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Showing posts from September, 2018


If you ever you question if something is moral, without invoking the supernatural, simply ask if it's sustainable. If everyone who found themselves in a similar context and did that same action, would it be sustainable throughout time? If yes then maybe it should be considered moral and accepted, if not, then it should be immoral and should not be done. A broader 'Golden Rule' if you will. So what is sustainable through time? World Peace, resource conservation, colonizing other planets other solar systems other galaxies, at a pace that would sustain our existence. Using resources in a sustainable way, treating people in a way could sustain relationships. Curing diseases. This has its holes, and it's probably an argument that it is sustainable to murder a cheating husband. Although that becomes unsustainable if every man were to cheat. So then the task becomes cultivating circumstance to avoid the drive to cheat, and cultivating men that don't cheat, although ...

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Deep Fakes: old Music Videos updated to play/sing recent music Append Google Scholar to WikiData in its entirety and maintain it. WikiData does have some published articles but does not have references on most, and is far sparser than Google Scholar. This will allow detailed graph search. Example: Given two lists of authors, find any author pairs where one has reference the other. useful when finding an advisor that is into papers you have recently read SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {   ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q13442814.   ?item wdt:P2093 "Steven Werner"   #?i...