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Philosophy: Determinist

Take this very moment, pause time, rewind it back 10 seconds, and press play again. Give all conscious beings the ability to remake the previous few decisions and actions.
Would, or even could, there be any differences 10 seconds later when we get back to our starting point?
A more tangible thought experiment:
Flip a coin. First, rummage around to find a coin. Perch it on your bent fingers with your thumb poised under it, and let your thumb spring upward and watch the coin rise and fall to the ground. Heads...
Now rewind time to just before you started looking for the coin, and play it forward. Internally your brain is in the exact same state as it was the first time. You know nothing about the rewind and believe this is your first attempt. All of your cells in your entire body are in the same state. All of your neurotransmitters are all at the same place in the same quantities, neurons all at the same charges. Exteriorly the coin is at the same place. Everything about the room is the same, the air with the same immensely complex arranged stack of molecules, the speed of those molecules, temperature, and all background noise, frequency pulses traveling through the air that could negligibly affect the coin outcome is the exact same. Even the most minute fluctuations of gravity negligibly acting on the molecules in the air is the same, due to the same arrangement of molten magma churning 1800 miles under you is the same, every conceivable aspect of existence that could alter that coin flip is the same.
What about this same exact input, could result in a different output? Your attention on the coin has just the same amount of distractions as it did before, same thoughts were racing in your mind leading up to our pressing play in time from the rewound point.
If all there is is nature and nurture, then with the same exact nature and nurture you get the same exact human.
If I was born into your body and raised in your place with your caregivers, I believe I would have no ability not to turn out like you in every way. With the same biology and the exact same initial life experiences, I believe I would develop the same thoughts have the same actions/reactions.
I use the same reasoning above to justify this claim as well

Exit your body for a thought experiment.

Pause time, and rewind 30 seconds. Press play and watch events unfold.

You would see yourself experience the exact same experience, and make the exact same decisions as you did before, because the everything that led you to make the decision the first time is in exactly the same state. You would have no choice but to make the same decisions. 

* For those of that think Quantum physics refutes determinism: quantum physics can't disprove this because time itself is still an uncontrolled variable as well as the cosmic background radiation, variables that this thought experiment has controlled for, and if you're ok with the many worlds interpretation then quantum physics actually does support this

Rewind further. Go back one year. Everything is the exact same, you make the same decisions given the exact same state of input. Every single subatomic particle that makes you and your environment started in the exact same state, there's nothing different that would push anyone to decide anything different a second time around.

Let's go back a lifetime.
If I (meaning my conscious 'I think, therefore I am' self) was born into your body on the day of your birth, had your biology and raised by your guardians all instead of you;

__I would have no choice but to become the person you are today.__

Accepting this means accepting no one is inherently or intrinsically special. 
Of course, we are immensely complex and unique, just as the combination of our individual experience with our biology is unique. 
We should look at a murder in prison and not feel superior to the person, but just appreciate the circumstances and biology our consciousnesses were embedded in compared to his.

I often hear the rebuttal: 
> If life is just a Rube Goldberg machine that we are forced to watch ourselves stumble through, some might use that as a crutch to explain thier behavior and give up on life.

Is that not already what people who have given up do? Find someone to blame for their misfortune. What psychiatrists try to identify as the cause of actions and behaviors? In the case of blaming other people, this can help them focus on the situation, and not the person. In the cases where people blame themselves, as intrinsically bad, this understanding can help free them from that depression and self hate.

With this understanding you are empowered to realize that no one is to blame, The situation is to blame. It's 'I experience, therefore I am', we ~~should try to ensure~~ [*will hopefully realize, through the spread and acceptance of this idea, that ensuring that*] our society encourages experiences that promote a positive future is the only way towards a positive future.

Societies could focus on situational improvement. Punishment would no longer be focused on punishment, but inplaced as a deterrent with a focus on rehab. To set the conditions and mindset to guide people toward productive futures. And for those who fall through the cracks, instead of blatantly labeling a person as 'bad' for them falling into those actions, we as a society identify what led them there, to fill those cracks and make the world a better place and actually do something to prevent the same thing in the future.


Thoughts? If you down vote you should explain why.

Any objections to the thought experiment? Do you think you could make a different choice given another attempt at that exact moment in time and space with no prior knowledge of the time manipulation happening? If so why would you choose something else given the same input, and doesn't that make your decisions basically random, and thus still not up to you.
